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作者: 2020年10月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据9月28日Offshore Energy消息:雪佛龙的澳大利亚子公司已与铝生产商美国铝业签署了一项协议,由后者从其液化天然气项目中输送家用天然气。

据9月28日Offshore Energy消息:雪佛龙的澳大利亚子公司已与铝生产商美国铝业签署了一项协议,由后者从其液化天然气项目中输送家用天然气。

雪佛龙表示,从2024年1月开始将在“多年期”内向美国铝业提供额外的37 petajouls普通家用天然气。

此次供应交易是在雪佛龙和美国铝业于2018年12月签署的一项现有协议之后进行的,该协议旨在供应64 petajoules的普通家用天然气。





冯娟 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Chevron in Australian domestic gas deal

Chevron’s Australian unit has signed another deal with aluminium producer Alcoa for the delivery of domestic natural gas from its LNG projects.

Starting in January 2024, Chevron said it would supply Alcoa with an additional 37 petajoules of equity domestic gas over a “multi-year term.”

The supply deal follows an existing agreement signed by Chevron and Alcoa in December 2018 for the supply of 64 petajoules of equity domestic gas.

The energy giant will deliver the fuel from its Wheatstone and Gorgon LNG developments as well as the Woodside-operated North West Shelf facilities.

Furthermore, Alcoa will use the fuel to power three aluminium refineries in Western Australia.

At full capacity, the Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas facilities will be able to produce 500 terajoules per day of domestic gas for the Western Australian market.

This capacity could generate electricity for about 4.3 million households, according to Chevron.

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标签:雪佛龙 澳大利亚 天然气
