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作者: 2020年08月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据8月4日Neftegaz.RU.报道,来自美国的Westport 欧洲贸易有限公司(WTL)正在为土库曼巴什炼油厂建造延迟焦化和焦油脱沥青设备。项目于2019年底开工,总造价1.2亿欧元,工程预计于2022年竣工。

据8月4日Neftegaz.RU.报道,来自美国的Westport 欧洲贸易有限公司(WTL)正在为土库曼巴什炼油厂建造延迟焦化和焦油脱沥青设备。项目于2019年底开工,总造价1.2亿欧元,工程预计于2022年竣工。







王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


American WTL is building a complex of equipment for delayed coking at Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries

Westport Trading Europe Limited (WTL) from the USA is building a complex of equipment for delayed coking and tar deasphalting on the territory of the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries. The project with a total cost of EUR 120 million started at the end of 2019. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2022.

The work is currently being carried out at an accelerated pace. This is facilitated by the attraction of modern high-tech equipment, optimization of production processes, an effective method of financing, as well as a competent distribution of labor costs.

The project will allow to produce up to 900,000 tons of products per year at the delayed coking unit (DCU) and up to 500,000 tons per year at the tar-deasphalting (SDA) unit.

WTL also won in Turkmenistan a tender for the “turnkey” construction of a new atmospheric oil distillation unit with an “ELOU-AT” electrical desalination unit with a capacity of one million tons per year at the Seydi oil refinery.

With the launch of the new unit, the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries will increase the production of petroleum coke, gasoline, liquefied gas and high-quality road bitumen.

The delayed coking unit is designed for processing tar, fuel oil and asphalt to get additional volumes of gas, gasoline, light and heavy gas oil and petroleum coke.

The tar deasphalting unit is used to extract paraffin-naphthene hydrocarbons – deasphalted oil – from tar for further production of oils and asphalt.

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