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作者: 2021年04月16日 来源:互联网 浏览量:
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  WindEurope首席执行官Giles Dickson表示,欧洲各国政府可以通过缩短许可程序来促进风能,以实现气候和能源目标。


  曹海斌 摘译自 MENAFN


  Turkey positions as 5th biggest wind power investor in Europe in last year

  WindEurope’s report showed that Turkey was ranked as the fifth-biggest wind power investor in Europe in last year with €1.6 billion (about USD 1, 9 billion).

  Investments in offshore wind farms recorded €26.3 billion (about USD31 billion), as investments in new onshore wind farms stood at €16.5 billion (about USD19 billion), according to the Financing and Investment Trends in the European Wind Industry in 2020 report.

  WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson stated that governments in Europe could boost wind energy to deliver climate and energy goals by shortening the permit process.

  He further declared that "The technology is available. So is the money. But the right policies are missing, notably on the permitting of new farms where rules and procedures are too complex," adding that governments need to simplify their permitting and ensure there are people to process the permit applications. Otherwise there’s no point having a higher renewables target.”

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