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作者: 2020年10月15日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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印度石油公司表示,已开始获取AN-OSHP-2018 / 1和AN-OSHP-2018 / 2浅水区块的地震数据,这两个区块是在开放区块许可政策的第三轮中获得的。


该公司在一份声明中说,公司“部署了最先进的多功能地震数据采集船'SW Vespucci',用于采集8400千米的2D地震数据。”



印度石油公司董事长兼董事总经理Sushil Chandra Mishra表示,公司已制定计划,在未来几年加强在该国的勘探工作,并增加勘探资本支出。

他说,奥里萨邦哈纳迪河陆上区块的数据采集将很快开始,OALP区块的勘探钻探工作将于2021- 2022年开始。印度石油公司计划在未来3-4年内在OALP区块中进行约15000千米的2D地震数据采集和4000平方公里的3D地震数据采集,并钻探66口井。



曹海斌 摘译自 油气勘探


Oil India begins exploration for oil and gas in Andaman sea

Oil India Ltd, the nation’s second-biggest state-owned oil producer, on Thursday said it has started exploring for oil and gas in the Andaman sea.

OIL said it has begun acquiring seismic data on the shallow water blocks AN-OSHP-2018/1 and AN-OSHP-2018/2, which the company had won in the third round of open acreage licensing policy.

The results of the seismic survey would help the firm decide on drilling of wells on the block that could yield oil and gas.

The firm has “deployment of a state-of-the-art multi-purpose seismic data acquisition vessel ‘SW Vespucci’ for the acquisition of 8,400 line-kilometre of 2D seismic data,” OIL said in a statement.

“The exploration efforts in Andaman offshore are being resumed after a long period of time,” it said.

This, OIL said, was in line with the vision of Prime Minister by raising domestic exploration and production to cut dependence on imports for oil and gas needs.

OIL Chairman and Managing Director Sushil Chandra Mishra said the company has drawn up plans to intensify its exploration efforts in the country and increase exploration capex in the coming years.

The data acquisition in Mahanadi onland blocks in Odisha would begin shortly and the exploration drilling campaign in its OALP blocks would commence during 2021-22, he said. OIL plans to carry out about 15,000 line-kilometre of 2D and 4,000 square kilometres of 3D seismic as well as drill 66 wells in OALP blocks in the next 3-4 years.

OIL was awarded 21 blocks spread over Assam and Assam Arakan basin, Rajasthan, Mahanadi Onland, Andaman and Kerala-Konkan offshore basins.

This consolidated the firm’s position as the leading operator in the North-East with a total acreage area of 17,000 sq km, the statement said.

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标签:印度石油 安达曼海 地震勘测
