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作者: 2020年10月12日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据10月9日Offshore Energy消息:国有的巴基斯坦液化天然气公司已与其同胞卡拉奇电气公司签署了一项供应协议。

据10月9日Offshore Energy消息:国有的巴基斯坦液化天然气公司已与其同胞卡拉奇电气公司签署了一项供应协议。

根据该协议,巴基斯坦液化天然气将向900兆瓦KE BQPS-III发电厂提供再气化液化天然气。



该公司通过服务于卡拉奇Qasim港的FSRU BW Integrity进口液化天然气。

BW的FSRU BW Integrity的存储容量超过17万立方米,每天的峰值再气化能力为7.5亿标准立方英尺。

冯娟 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Pakistan LNG inks supply deal with Karachi Electric

State-owned Pakistan LNG has signed a supply deal with its compatriot Karachi Electric.

Under the agreement, Pakistan LNG will supply regasified liquefied natural gas to 900 MW KE BQPS-III power plant.

In a brief social media statement, Pakistan LNG noted the BQPS-III power plant will have two units.

The first unit is expected to the commissioned in March 2021, followed by the second unit in November 2021.

Pakistan LNG will supply up to 15 mmcfd of regasified LNG to the plant aimed at providing reliable power to Karachi.

The company is importing LNG through the FSRU BW Integrity serving at Port Qasim, Karachi.

BW’s FSRU BW Integrity has a storage capacity in excess of 170,000 cubic meters has a peak regasification capacity of 750 million standard cubic feet per day.

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