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作者: 2020年09月18日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据离岸工程网站9月14日消息 韩国造船巨头现代重工的浮式液化天然气发电解决方案Hi-FL2P已获得法国船级社(BV)的原则性批准证书。

据离岸工程网站9月14日消息 韩国造船巨头现代重工的浮式液化天然气发电解决方案Hi-FL2P已获得法国船级社(BV)的原则性批准证书。



在大韩民国蔚山现代重工举行的仪式上,法国船级社韩国分公司国家首席执行官Christophe Capitant向现代重工有限公司首席技术官Jae-Eul Kim提供了原则上的批准证书。


Jae-Eul Kim表示,现代重工战略性地选择了一体式、驳船式、双燃料发动机的发电厂,该发电厂的资本支出比陆基基础设施低得多,同时也支持了全球对环境友好型发电的需求。

法国船级社Christophe Capitant说:“非常自豪能够积极参与这一创新概念的开发,即一座全浮式液化天然气发电厂。现代重工股份有限公司与法国船级社的技术合作取得了丰硕成果,我们很高兴能够取得如此积极的成果。对现代重工股份有限公司的原则性批准是第一个里程碑,有望为未来在浮动能源发电领域取得成功铺平道路。”

吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


Hyundai Heavy's Floating LNG to Power Solution Gets BV Nod

South Korean shipbuilding giant Hyundai Heavy Industries' Floating LNG to Power solution - Hi-FL2P - has been granted an approval in principle certificate by the global classification society Bureau Veritas.

‘Hi-FL2P’ has been described as an ‘All-in-One Type’ Floating LNG Power Plant where all equipment and systems that are required for the power generation and transmission including LNG containment, gas supply system, and power plant are installed in one unit to function as a stand-alone power plant.

The ‘Hi-FL2P’ was developed in a Joint Development Project with Bureau Veritas. The project was formally completed with the award of the AIP certificate.

A certificate of Approval in Principle has been provided to Jae-Eul Kim, Chief Technical Officer, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, by Christophe Capitant, Country Chief Executive, Bureau Veritas Korea, in a ceremony held at HHI in Ulsan, the Republic of Korea.

Hyundai Heavy said that the AIP was "an important step in marketability," and that it is now anticipating an increasing number of orders for its Floating LNG to Power solution.

Jae-Eul Kim said that HHI strategically selected the “All-in-One, Barge Shaped Power plant, with Dual Fuel Engines”, which provides significantly lower CAPEX than land-based infrastructure and also supports the global demand for environmentally friendly power generation."

BV's Christophe Capitant said, ‘Bureau Veritas is very proud to have been actively involved in the development of this innovative concept of an All-in-One Floating LNG Power Plant. The technical collaboration between Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., and Bureau Veritas has been extremely fruitful and we are delighted it has led to such a positive outcome. The Approval in Principle granted to Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. is the first milestone which hopefully paves the way for coming successes in the promising field of floating energy generation."

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标签:法国船级社 原则性批准证书
