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作者: 2020年09月18日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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新兴市场电气化和工业化率的提高将支持各种能源消耗的增长,但是所有分析都表明,石油和天然气消耗的增长正在放缓。 另一方面,可再生能源是近年来增长最快的能源,并且预计在未来几十年将继续如此。


相比之下,据路透社专栏作家John Kemp估计,天然气占全球能源需求增长的36%,石油仅占全球能源需求增长的21%。


郝芬 译自 油价网


Renewable Energy Continues To Eat Away At Fossil Fuel Dominance

Renewables are set to be the fastest-growing source of energy in the coming decades, giving fossil fuels such as coal and oil a run for their money in many parts of the world. Sure, the world will continue to need oil, coal, and natural gas in the future, because energy systems cannot and will not switch to 100-percent low-carbon energy sources any time soon.

Recent data and analyses suggest, however, that renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power and increased penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly competitive with the dominant energy sources of the 20th century—oil, coal, and natural gas.

Increased rates of electrification and industrialization in emerging markets will support the rise in consumption of energy of all kinds, but all analyses point to slowing growth in oil and gas consumption. On the other hand, renewables have been the fastest-growing energy source in recent years and are expected to continue to be such in the coming decades.

Last year, renewables accounted for 41 percent of the rise in energy demand, the largest of any energy source, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020 showed.

To compare, natural gas represented 36 percent of the increase in energy demand, and oil was only 21 percent of the rise in total global energy demand, according to estimates from Reuters columnist John Kemp.

According to BP, primary energy growth in 2019 was driven by renewables, followed by natural gas, which together contributed to over three-quarters of the net increase.

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标签:可再生能源 煤炭 石油
