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作者: 2020年09月11日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据阿纳多卢新闻9月9日消息称,全球能源咨询公司Wood Mackenzie周二发表声明称,在截至2030年的十年内,亚太地区的发电行业可能吸引1.5万亿美元的投资。

据阿纳多卢新闻9月9日消息称,全球能源咨询公司Wood Mackenzie周二发表声明称,在截至2030年的十年内,亚太地区的发电行业可能吸引1.5万亿美元的投资。

Wood Mackenzie称,自2013年以来,可再生能源投资已经超过化石燃料,到2030年,太阳能和风能在亚太地区占66%,即1万亿美元的投资机会,而以煤炭和天然气为主的化石燃料,占了剩余的5000亿美元。

Wood Mackenzie的高级分析师Rishab Shrestha表示:“传统上,能源安全和低成本煤炭的供应是亚洲煤炭投资的主要驱动力。然而,随着各经济体努力争取一个更可持续、更绿色的未来,对煤炭的投资情绪正在减弱。”



Wood Mackenzie表示,在未来十年中,预计该地区每年还将新增170吉瓦(GW)的新电力容量,到2030年以后,新增装机容量的速度还将加快。



曹海斌 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


Asia Pacific to draw more energy investments by 2030

The power generation sector in the Asia Pacific region could attract $1.5 trillion in investments over the decade ending 2030, according to global energy consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie's statement on Tuesday.

Wood Mackenzie said that renewables investments have overtaken fossil fuel since 2013, with solar and wind representing 66% or US$1 trillion investment opportunity in the Asia Pacific up to 2030, while fossil fuels, mainly coal and gas, make up the remaining $500 billion.

Wood Mackenzie’s senior analyst Rishab Shrestha said that “traditionally, energy security and availability of low-cost coal are key drivers of coal investment in Asia. However, investment sentiment towards coal is waning as economies strive for a more sustainable and greener future.”

According to Shrestha, gas/coal investment would be split at 40/60 over the next decade. He confirmed that the share of coal is falling to the extent that after 2030 gas will contribute 70%, with coal falling to a 30% share.

“Coal investment will fall from its peak of US$57 billion in 2013 to US$18 billion by the end of the decade.”

Wood Mackenzie said the region is also expected to add over 170 gigawatts (GW) of new power capacity annually in the next decade with the pace of additions accelerating beyond 2030.

“We should see a slight slow-down in capacity additions in the next five years due to coronavirus related sluggish demand. This should pick up from 2026 onwards,” Shrestha said.

He said the Asia Pacific region has entered a transition decade where wind and solar investment is expected to decline by 20% by 2025 from its peak in 2017.

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标签:可再生能源 化石燃料
