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作者: 2020年09月11日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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Equinor负责技术、项目和钻井的代理副总裁Geir Tungesvik说:“目前,这些井被认为是安全的,但我们将继续封井,并对其进行持续监控,直到我们通过从其他井中开采来降低地层压力。安全始终是第一要务。”


Tungesvik 表示:“我们的首要任务是确保安全启动该领域。我们的首要任务是确保油田的安全启动。因此,除了开发与运营计划(PDO)中剩余的两口气井外,我们计划再钻三口新的气井,以按照原计划生产。”

钻探三口新井的成本总计约为2 0亿挪威克朗。




曹海斌 摘译自 油田技术


Equinor to conduct further drilling at Martin Linge field

Equinor has conducted an in-depth analysis of the wells drilled at Martin Linge before the company took over as the operator of the field from Total in 2018.

This review concluded that several of the wells do not have the necessary barriers. Equinor therefore plans to drill new wells in order to ensure safe production.

In the four gas wells that were drilled at Martin Linge before 2018 well barrier deficiencies that are considered to make them inappropriate for safe production have been established.

Petoro has carried out an independent assessment of well barriers that support the operator's view.

“The wells are considered safe as they are now, but we will keep them plugged and under continuous monitoring until we have reduced the pressure in the formation by producing from other wells. Safety is always priority number one,” said Geir Tungesvik, acting EVP for Technology, Projects and Drilling in Equinor.

The Martin Linge plant is designed for a mixture of oil and gas, and needs gas wells that produce at a certain rate for start-up and production.

“Our number one priority is to ensure safe start-up of the field. We will therefore plan to drill up to three new gas wells in addition to the two remaining wells from the plan for development and operation (PDO) for the field to produce as originally planned,” said Tungesvik.

The costs of drilling up to three new wells total about NOK2 billion.

Equinor will give an update on all projects under development to Norwegian authorities, including the consequences of Covid-19. The plan will be published in connection with the presentation of the state budget in October.

The Maersk Intrepid drilling rig recently started the drilling operations at Martin Linge.

Equinor is the majority shareholder and operator of Martin Linge (70%). Petoro (30%) is the only partner.

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标签:Equinor 马丁林格油田 钻井
