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作者: 2020年09月10日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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今年4月提议的将资产从上市公司的剥离被视为向沙特阿拉伯主要石油生产商沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美) 出售股份的先兆。自那以后,尽管沙特阿美表示其仍在努力推进其150亿美元的股权收购计划,但信诚工业公司宣布了推迟提议的交易。

李峻 编译自 彭博社


Reliance Gives Plan to Carve Out O2C Assets

Reliance Industries Ltd. released a detailed plan to carve out its oil-to-chemicals business Sunday, following through on a proposal announced in April and readying the unit for a potential stake sale.

The so-called scheme of arrangement lays out the details of the proposed move to spin off its entire oil-to-chemicals assets into a separate unit, by transferring some of the conglomerate’s key oil and petrochemicals assets including those in refining, fuel retail and aviation fuel, according to a filing on Sunday.

The assets will be held by a unit of Reliance, and the ultimate ownership won’t change as a result of the plan, a separate filing disclosed.

The proposed separation of the assets from the listed company in April was seen as a precursor to a stake sale to Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the kingdom’s main oil producer. Since then, Reliance has disclosed delays to the proposed deal, although Saudi Aramco said that it was still working on the $15 billion stake purchase plan.

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