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作者: 2020年08月13日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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该报告是与英国能源监管机构Ofgem,皇冠地产(the Crown Estate)以及英国政府商业,能源与工业战略部合作制作的,该报告强调指出,紧密的整合不仅对减少排放和能源生产具有重要意义,而且还将有助于 新兴技术变得更具“经济吸引力”。



英国能源和清洁发展部长Kwasi Kwarteng表示,很高兴看到这份报告为净零排放设定了明确的道路,并强调了海上能源部门有能力帮助实现大幅碳减排。分享石油和天然气行业现有的专门知识和基础设施将是我们杰出的可再生能源部门发展的组成部分,有助于我们履行气候变化承诺。

去年3月,OGA从监管机构Better Regulation Executive的先锋基金(Pioneer Fund)获得了110万美元拨款,启动了一个项目,该项目将探索更加一体化的海上能源行业的潜力。

郝芬 译自 离岸工程


Integration of offshore energy systems can deliver UK’s net-zero target

UK regulator Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has said that the integration of offshore energy with clean energy technologies could contribute to 30% of the UK’s net-zero targets by the year 2050.

According to a report published by OGA, this can be primarily achieved through carbon capture and storage (CCS) as part of hydrogen production.

Produced in collaboration with UK energy regulator Ofgem, the Crown Estate, and the UK’s governmental Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the report highlighted that the close integration would not only be valuable for reducing emissions and energy production, but would also help the emerging technologies become more ‘economically attractive’.

OGA chief executive Andy Samuel said: “The UK Continental Shelf has the potential to make a deep and meaningful impact on the UK’s overall net-zero target and offshore energy integration can be the game-changer.

“By closely co-ordinating our energy systems a secure energy supply can continue to be delivered from a diverse mix of production, while unlocking more and more of the green energy and carbon capture needed to help take the UK to net-zero.”

OGA also noted that there are already over 30 energy integration projects currently underway across the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), with more than ten of these actively engaged by the OGA for the study.

UK Energy and Clean Growth Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said: “It is great to see this report set out a clear path towards net-zero, highlighting that the offshore energy sector has the capacity to help deliver huge carbon reductions.

“Sharing existing expertise and infrastructure from the oil and gas industry will be integral in the development of our outstanding renewable energy sector, helping us meet our climate change commitments.”

In March last year, OGA secured a $1.1m grant from the Better Regulation Executive’s Regulator’s Pioneer Fund to begin a project that will explore the potential of a more integrated offshore energy sector.

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标签:海上能源 清洁能源
