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Spirit Energy将北海油田的使用寿命延长三年

作者: 2020年08月04日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据OE网站7月29日报道,北海油气运营商Spirit Energy额外投资1300万英镑(1680万美元),延长其约克近海气田的租期。

据OE网站7月29日报道,北海油气运营商Spirit Energy额外投资1300万英镑(1680万美元),延长其约克近海气田的租期。






Centrica的子公司Spirit Energy表示,该项目延长了北海一个重要气田的使用寿命,该气田在过去八年中已经生产了450亿立方英尺的天然气。

Spirit Energy北海运营资产主管Girish Kabra表示,8年来,York一直是Spirit Energy北海资产组合的重要组成部分,因此,我们很高兴不仅能提高该油田的产量,还能延长其使用寿命。像约克油田这样的油田证明了专注于晚期管理的重要性,以最大限度地发挥北海油田的潜力。

油气管理局SNS和EIS地区经理Alistair Macfarlane表示:“我们欢迎Spirit Energy做出的最终投资决定。 重新规划路线是多个运营商之间进行创新性思维和协作以超越当前配置范围以延长约克油田使用寿命并实现经济复苏最大化的一个很好的例子。SNS仍有3779亿立方英尺的储量,这样的例子为英国供应链提供了机会和有价值的活动,因为我们积极适应能源转型。

郝芬 译自 OE网站


Spirit Energy Extends North Sea Field's Life by Three Years

North Sea oil and gas operator Spirit Energy has given its York offshore gas field a new lease of life with an additional £13million (USD 16.8 million) investment.

With the investment, Spirit will extend the life of the Southern North Sea offshore gas field by three years.

Sitting some 34km from the North East Yorkshire coastline, UK, the York field produced first gas in 2013 and was expected to produce until 2020.

The recently approved York Life Extension Project, aimed at maximizing economic recovery of the field, will extend production until 2023/24 and tap into an additional 18 billion cubic feet of gas.

The works will be phased across 2020-2021 and will comprise activity both onshore and offshore; including platform and control system modifications, onshore tie-ins, and a well intervention on the Y1 well.

The £13million investment will re-route York gas to the Dimlington Gas Terminal, accessing its onshore gas compression facility.

"The project extends the life of an important North Sea field which has produced 45 billion cubic feet of gas over the past eight years," Spirit Energy, a subsidiary of Centrica, said.

Girish Kabra, Director of Spirit Energy's North Sea Operated Assets, said: “York has been an important part of Spirit Energy’s North Sea portfolio for eight years, so we are delighted to not only boost production from the field but also extend its life. Fields like York demonstrate the importance of focused late-life management to maximise the potential of as many North Sea fields as possible.”

Alistair Macfarlane, SNS and EIS Area Manager with the Oil and Gas Authority said: “We welcome this final investment decision from Spirit Energy. The re-route is a good example of innovative thinking and collaboration between multiple operators to look beyond the boundaries of current configurations to extend the field life of York and Maximise Economic Recovery.

“The SNS still has 3,779 bcf of reserves and examples like this provide opportunity and valuable activity for the UK supply chain as we actively adapt ourselves toward energy transition.”

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