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作者: 2020年07月31日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据7月29日Oil Monster消息:加拿大艾伯塔省政府通过其减排计划(ERA),承诺为ERA的天然气挑战项目拨款5840万美元。天然气挑战项目于2019年10月启动,对处于试点、示范或首次商业部署阶段的技术项目开放。ERA的遴选委

据7月29日Oil Monster消息:加拿大艾伯塔省政府通过其减排计划(ERA),承诺为ERA的天然气挑战项目拨款5840万美元。天然气挑战项目于2019年10月启动,对处于试点、示范或首次商业部署阶段的技术项目开放。ERA的遴选委员会审查了117个项目,其中有20个被选中,其潜力在于开启阿尔伯塔天然气价值链从生产到最终消费者的创新。


ERA首席执行官史蒂夫·麦克唐纳说:“艾伯塔省对天然气行业的资金支持吸引了投资,创造了就业机会和促进经济增长。” 一些项目将通过改善天然气行??业现有运营的绩效而产生立竿见影的影响,而其他项目则在加速变革机会,例如氢气生产,这可能改变该行业面貌。

冯娟 摘译自 Oil Monster


Alberta Government Commits $58 Million to Natural Gas Development

The government of Alberta, Canada, through Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA), is committing $58.4 million for ERA’s Natural Gas Challenge. The Natural Gas Challenge was launched in October 2019 and was open to projects involving technologies at the pilot, demonstration, or first-of-kind commercial deployment stages. ERA’s selection committee reviewed 117 submissions and of these, 20 projects were selected based on their potential to unlock innovation across Alberta’s natural gas value chain, from production to the end consumer.

For more than 10 years, ERA has been investing the revenues from the carbon price paid by large final emitters to accelerate the development and adoption of innovative clean technology solutions. Since ERA was established in 2009, it has committed $607 million toward 183 projects that are helping to reduce greenhouse gases, create competitive industries, and are leading to new business opportunities in Alberta.

“Today’s announcement by the Government of Alberta supports investment attraction, job creation, and economic growth,” said Steve MacDonald, CEO at ERA. “Some projects will have an immediate impact by improving the performance of the natural gas sector’s existing operations and others are accelerating transformative opportunities, like hydrogen production, that can change the face of the industry.”

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