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雪佛龙将于9月重启第二条Gorgon LNG生产线

作者: 2020年07月30日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界天然气网站7月28日消息 雪佛龙公司在发现丙烷换热器内存在“焊接质量问题”后,正打算于9月将澳大利亚Gorgon液化天然气工厂的第二条生产线重新上线。

据世界天然气网站7月28日消息 雪佛龙公司在发现丙烷换热器内存在“焊接质量问题”后,正打算于9月将澳大利亚Gorgon液化天然气工厂的第二条生产线重新上线。




他补充说:“该装置共有8台换热器。对Gorgon 2号液化天然气生产线丙烷换热器的例行检查发现了焊接质量问题。”




与此同时,Gorgon 1号和3号生产线仍在继续生产液化天然气。


吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Chevron to restart 2nd Gorgon LNG train in September

Chevron is looking to place back online the second train at its Gorgon LNG plant in Australia in September after it found “weld quality issues” within the propane heat exchangers.

The US energy firm shut down the second production unit at its giant 15.6 mtpa LNG facility on Barrow Island in Western Australia on May 23 as part of planned maintenance.

It aimed to complete the maintenance works and restart the unit on July 11.

A Chevron spokesperson said in emailed comments on Tuesday that the company completed all the work but the train is still offline.

“A routine inspection of the Gorgon LNG Train 2 propane heat exchangers identified weld quality issues,” he said, adding that the unit has in total eighth exchangers.

“Repairs are underway and we have the necessary personnel with skills and knowledge to conduct the work onsite,” the spokesperson said.

Chevron is working with the regulator, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, in planning and implementing this work.

“Once repairs are complete, we expect to safely commence LNG Train 2 restart activities around early September,” the spokesperson said.

In the meantime, Gorgon trains one and three are continuing to produce LNG.

The spokesperson added that Chevron continues to deliver LNG and domestic gas under its contractual commitments with customers.

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标签:雪佛龙 Gorgon LNG生产线
