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作者: 2020年07月27日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据7月22日Oil Monster消息:联邦能源管理委员会最近批准了天然气基础设施提供商威廉姆斯推进其Leidy South项目。

据7月22日Oil Monster消息:联邦能源管理委员会最近批准了天然气基础设施提供商威廉姆斯推进其Leidy South项目。


天然气将由卡博特石油天然气公司和塞内卡资源公司生产,本地分销公司UGI Utilities将向宾夕法尼亚州东北部的客户提供天然气。


威廉姆斯总裁兼首席执行官艾伦·阿姆斯特朗表示:“随着美国改用清洁能源为我们的电网供电,威廉姆斯公司很高兴也很自豪成为连接我国最大的天然气需求中心的骨干力量。” “这个项目是进一步减少温室气体排放的众多机会之一,目前可用的解决方案是用天然气装置取代燃煤发电厂,以稳定地平衡新可再生资源的间歇性,事实上,美国各州仍有80多家燃煤电厂(州际天然气管道系统)可能被清洁、高效且价格合理的天然气所取代。”

冯娟 摘译自 Oil Monster


Natural Gas Project Gains Federal Approval

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently gave Williams, a natural-gas-infrastructure provider, approval to advance its Leidy South Project.

The project will transport natural gas from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus and Utica regions east.

The natural gas will be produced by Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. and Seneca Resources Co., and local distribution company UGI Utilities will provide the gas to customers in northeast Pennsylvania.

The project is expected to provide enough natural gas to serve the equivalent of more than 2.5 million homes and will create 582,400 dekatherms of additional pipeline capacity. In addition, it will enable power plants to convert from coal to cleaner-burning natural gas.

“As the United States switches to clean power to energize our electric grids, Williams is excited and proud to be the backbone that connects the best supplies of dry gas with our country’s largest demand centers,” Alan Armstrong, Williams president and CEO, said. “This project represents one of many opportunities to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions with right here, right now available solutions as coal-fired electric generation plants are replaced with natural gas units to reliably balance the intermittency of new renewable resources. In fact, there remain more than 80 coal plants in the states (interstate natural gas pipeline system) Transco serves that can potentially be displaced by clean, efficient, and affordable natural gas.”

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标签:威廉姆斯 天然气
