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作者: 2020年07月03日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据路透社6月30日报道,印度最大天然气进口商Petronet LNG首席执行官辛格(Prabhat Singh)周二表示,该公司将很快敲定每年至少100万吨的液化天然气进口协议,价格将接近现货市场。

据路透社6月30日报道,印度最大天然气进口商Petronet LNG首席执行官辛格(Prabhat Singh)周二表示,该公司将很快敲定每年至少100万吨的液化天然气进口协议,价格将接近现货市场。



此前,Petronet邀请投标购买10年期100万吨液化天然气,价格与美国Henry Hub天然气期货和荷兰TTF天然气期货挂钩,并以ex-ship方式装运。


Petronet与卡塔尔达成协议,分别从埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp)在澳大利亚的Gorgon项目购买750万吨和144万吨液化天然气。

今年3月,该公司宣布长期协议下的供应受到不可抗力的影响,其财务主管V.K. Mishra表示,卡塔尔天然气公司和埃克森美孚公司因为不可抗力免除了合同义务。

洪伟立 摘译自 路透社


India's top gas importer close to long-term deal around spot prices

India’s top gas importer Petronet LNG will soon finalise a deal to import at least 1 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of liquefied natural gas with prices near the spot markets, its chief executive Prabhat Singh said on Tuesday.

India wants to raise the share of natural gas in its energy mix from to 15% by 2030 from 6.2% now and is seeking affordable gas for its price-sensitive customers.

“We are now in a position to come to a stage where very quickly we will be coming to nation with virtually spot pricing for a long-term deal,” Singh told a news conference.

Earlier this year, Petronet invited bids to buy 1 mtpa of LNG for 10 years with pricing linked to Henry Hub natural gas futures in the United States and Dutch TTF gas futures and shipped on a delivered ex-ship basis.

Singh said Petronet has received 13 offers and would soon finalise the deal, but did not give a specific time.

LNG prices under Petronet’s current long-term deals cost about $3.5-$4.5/million British thermal units (mmBtu) compared to a spot price of about $2/mmBtu, Singh said.

Petronet has a deal to buy 7.5 mtpa of LNG from Qatar and 1.44 mtpa from Exxon Mobil Corp’s Gorgon project in Australia.

Petronet declared force majeure in March for supplies under long-term deals when a nationwide lockdown to contain COVID-19 reduced demand.

Petronet’s head of finance V.K. Mishra said Qatargas and Exxon objected to the force majeure, which waives contractual obligations.

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标签:Petronet LNG 液化天然气
