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作者: 2020年06月12日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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欧盟气候行动部门创新金融部门负责人Christian Holzleitner在6月5日举行的在线信息会上表示:“我们希望启动氢能源经济。”





李峻 编译自 能源新闻


EU plans Eur1 billion call for renewables, hydrogen, CCS projects

The European Commission will open its first annual Eur1 billion ($1.1 billion) call to fund large-scale renewables, clean hydrogen, energy storage, and carbon capture and storage/use projects by the end of July, according to a senior official.

The goal is to get companies to invest now in the low-carbon technologies needed for the EU to achieve its goal of being climate neutral by 2050.

The money comes from the EU's Innovation Fund, which is funded until 2030 by selling 450 million EU Emissions Trading System allowances. It has a budget of around Eur10 billion over 10 years at current EU carbon prices.

"We want to kick-start the hydrogen economy," Christian Holzleitner, head of the EC's innovation finance unit in its climate action department, said in an online information session on June 5.

"We want to be the first in the world to establish carbon capture and storage or use for industry, for hard-to-abate sectors," he said. These include cement, steel and chemicals.

The EC also wants to support innovative renewables, such as offshore wind, ocean energy, geothermal, biofuels and green hydrogen.

Successful innovative projects can receive up to 60% of their additional capital and operating costs compared with current technology for up to 10 years.

This is about closing some of the investment gap given that innovative projects' carbon abatement costs start around Eur80-90/mt CO2 and current EU carbon prices are around Eur20-25/mt CO2, Holzleitner said.

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