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作者: 2020年06月12日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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詹晓晶 编译自 今日油价网站


Saudi Arabia Sees Oil Export Revenues Slide In Q1

Saudi Arabia exported crude oil worth some $40 billion during the first quarter of the year, down by 21.9 percent, or $11 billion, on the first quarter of 2019, Reuters reports, adding that Brent crude fell by as much as 60 percent in the three-month period.

Oil revenue, as a result, slid down by 24 percent to $34 billion during the quarter, official data showed.

The Kingdom has been one of the most active producers in trying to rein in the oil price slide that undermined oil export revenues. The country agreed to cut a solid portion of its daily output to help stabilize prices and then it announced an additional 1-million-bpd production cut on top of the quota agreed with its OPEC+ partners.

Saudi Arabia was also the driving force behind the one-month extension of the deepest cuts—of 9.7 million bpd—that OPEC+ agreed last Saturday. The Kingdom also put its foot down on non-compliance, insisting that laggards Iraq and Nigeria, as well as Angola and Kazakhstan, effect deeper production cuts to compensate for their non-compliance so far.

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标签:沙特 原油
