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作者: 2020年05月19日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据今日油价5月15日报道,达拉斯联邦储备银行(Dallas Fed)分析师本周在一份新分析报告中称,由于油价低迷,整个美国页岩区大幅削减支出,可能导致第二季美国企业固定投资总额下滑6.1个百分点。

据今日油价5月15日报道,达拉斯联邦储备银行(Dallas Fed)分析师本周在一份新分析报告中称,由于油价低迷,整个美国页岩区大幅削减支出,可能导致第二季美国企业固定投资总额下滑6.1个百分点。





郝芬 译自 今日油价


Oil Price Crash Leads To Large Drop In U.S. Fixed Investment

The drastic spending cuts across the U.S. shale patch due to the low oil prices will likely lead to a 6.1-percentage point slump in total U.S. business fixed investments in the second quarter, Dallas Fed economists said in a new analysis this week.

Over the past decade, oil and gas sector investments have grown as a share of total U.S. nonresidential business fixed investments, thanks to the shale boom. In the 2010s, U.S. oil firms spent a total of $1.2 trillion on drilling and completing wells, boosting U.S. crude oil production by almost 140 percent in the past decade. The share of the oil and gas industry’s investment of U.S. nonresidential business fixed investment – an important component of the country’s GDP – averaged 6.4 percent, double for the share in the previous decade, the Dallas Fed noted.

Even before the oil price collapse in early March, some U.S. oil firms had started to reduce planned investments for 2020 by 10-20 percent, abandoning the ‘production growth at all costs’ strategy as investors demanded returns and profits.

But after prices collapsed to multi-year lows with the crash in demand from the pandemic along with the Saudi oil price war, the U.S. shale patch was very quick to pull back investment and drilling activity.

Due to the oil price crash, the global glut, and lack of storage, U.S. oil firms are announcing production curtailments by the day.

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标签:页岩气 石油 天然气
