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作者: 2020年05月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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GlobalData的石油和天然气分析师Daniel Rogers表示:“该行业近期的悲观短期前景迫使许多公司重新评估其远期支出。迄今为止,该行业的100多家公司已被削减逾850亿美元。采取这些措施是为了度过前所未有的市场不确定性,并且短期内可能会有很多的公司效仿。”




曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻


Over US$85bn of 2020 forecast expenditure erased from oil and gas sector, says GlobalData

To protect balance sheets, maintain shareholder pay-outs and preserve cash, oil and gas companies have gone into survival mode, reducing forecast expenditure says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Daniel Rogers, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “The bearish near-term outlook for the industry has forced many companies to reassess their forward expenditure. To date, more than US$85bn has been cut from over 100 companies across the industry. These measures have been taken to survive the unparalleled market uncertainty and it is likely that more companies will follow in the near term.”

Integrated oil and gas companies have reported the largest volume of capex reductions for 2020. Significant capital reductions have been seen in upstream operations, particularly for US shale drilling but also for global exploration budgets, and unsanctioned developments.

Rogers continues: “The severity of investment cuts in the sector varies across the value chain with midstream-focused companies generally sacrificing less of their original budgets. This is likely attributable to the relatively higher level of protection that the midstream sector offers players (particularly for pipeline operators) during periods of oil price volatility, since cash flow is less dependent on commodity prices and more dependent on supply volumes.”

Although not all members of the oil field service group have announced exact capex revisions for 2020, the gravity is clear. The group holds the highest average reduction percentage, albeit at a far lower volume. Coming into 2020 service costs were already beaten down by the previous downturn in 2014/2015 and the latest developments deal another blow to an already struggling segment. Globally, drops in drilling, and exploration and development spending will have a knock on impact for the oil field service providers.

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标签:油气行业 资本支出削减
