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作者: 2020年04月02日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据今日海上能源网站3月30日消息 挪威石油和能源部已提议,在今年的挪威大陆架预定区块(APA)竞标中,新增36个勘探区块。

据今日海上能源网站3月30日消息 挪威石油和能源部已提议,在今年的挪威大陆架预定区块(APA)竞标中,新增36个勘探区块。


石油和能源部长蒂娜 布鲁表示:“在这个充满挑战的时代,规划未来非常重要。为了进一步发展我们最重要的行业,并保持挪威大陆架上的活动水平,稳定获得新的石油勘探面积是关键。在预先确定的区域,有助于探索大陆架的有名区块,这些勘探区块将受到公司的追捧。”


“我们建议在预先确定的区域内新增36个区块,新的区块位于挪威海的西部。通过APA 2020,政府继续从长远角度促进石油和天然气的盈利生产。


吴恒磊 编译自 今日海上能源


Norway to include 36 new blocks in this year’s offshore licensing round

Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has proposed to include 36 new blocks in this year’s licensing round in the well-known parts of the Norwegian Continental Shelf – Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2020.

The proposal is now sent on a public consultation, the ministry said on Monday.

“In these challenging times it is important to plan for the future. Stable access to new acreage for petroleum exploration is key in order to develop our most important industry further, and to maintain the level of activity on the Norwegian Shelf. Awards in pre-defined areas contribute to the exploration of the well-known parts of the shelf, and they are sought-after by the companies,” says Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru.

The overall objective of Norway’s petroleum policy is to provide a framework for profitable production of oil and gas in a long-term perspective. A stable and predictable framework is key to achieving this goal. Continuation of today’s regular licensing rounds to provide the industry access to new exploration acreage is a pillar of the government’s policy.

“We propose to include 36 new blocks in the pre-defined area. The new acreage is located west in the Norwegian Sea. Through the APA 2020, the government continues to facilitate profitable production of oil and gas in a long-term perspective,” said Bru.

It is worth noting that no expansion has been proposed for the North Sea or the Barents Sea.

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标签:挪威 勘探区块
