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作者: 2020年03月27日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据今日油价3月24日报道,彭博社援引能源部长丹·布劳莱特(Dan Brouillette)的话报道称,美国和沙特一直在讨论建立石油协定的想法。这种协定实际上等于一个卡特尔组织,根据定义,卡特尔组织是一群独立的市场参与者,

据今日油价3月24日报道,彭博社援引能源部长丹·布劳莱特(Dan Brouillette)的话报道称,美国和沙特一直在讨论建立石油协定的想法。这种协定实际上等于一个卡特尔组织,根据定义,卡特尔组织是一群独立的市场参与者,同意以有利于他们的方式共同影响市场。





据路透社的约翰·肯普(John Kemp)称,除非该国乃至世界的经济前景得到迅速的改善,否则经济将进一步下滑。对于美国的页岩产业或超级巨头来说,这种前景都不是好消息,这使得美国政府对沙特的举动是合乎逻辑的。 但是还不确定。

郝芬 译自 今日油价


Saudi Arabia And The U.S. Could Form The World’s Newest Oil Cartel

The United States and Saudi Arabia have been discussing the idea of setting up an oil accord, Bloomberg reports, citing Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette. Such an agreement would effectively amount to a cartel, which, by definition, is a group of independent market participants agreeing to act together to influence the market in a way favorable to them.

For now, however, this is just an idea that some officials in the Trump administration support. The chance of it becoming anything more is unclear, according to Brouillette.

“There are many, many ideas that are floated around the policy space, that is one of them,” the U.S. Energy Secretary told Bloomberg in an interview.

“I don’t know that it is going to be presented in any formal way.”

The U.S. oil industry has suffered a heavy blow from the combination of the coronavirus outbreak and the price war that Saudi Arabia started after Russia refused to cooperate on deeper production cuts. Producers are slashing spending plans, suspending share buybacks, and some have already asked oilfield service providers for substantial discounts to their services.

West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, has shed about 60 percent of its value since the start of the year.

According to Reuters’ John Kemp, it has further to fall unless the economic outlook for the country—and the world—improves sharply and quickly. This outlook is not good news for either the shale industry or the supermajors in the U.S., which makes the administration’s moves concerning Saudi Arabia only logical. But nothing is certain yet.

“As part of the public policy process, if you will, our interagency partners often get together and talk about a number of different items, but we’ve made no decision on this,” Brouillette told Bloomberg.

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标签:美国 沙特 石油协定 卡特尔组织
