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作者: 2020年03月13日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据俄罗斯油气网3月10日鄂木斯克报道,俄罗斯第3大石油公司俄罗斯天然气工业石油公司(Gazprom Neft)时下正在其位于鄂木斯克的炼油厂内继续安装综合自动化过程控制系统(APCS)。新的APCS是为俄气石油旗下未来的先进炼油

据俄罗斯油气网3月10日鄂木斯克报道,俄罗斯第3大石油公司俄罗斯天然气工业石油公司(Gazprom Neft)时下正在其位于鄂木斯克的炼油厂内继续安装综合自动化过程控制系统(APCS)。新的APCS是为俄气石油旗下未来的先进炼油联合体(AORC)设计的,而AORC的建设预计将在2021年完成。



李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


Gazprom Neft introduces a new integrated refining-process management system

Gazprom Neft is continuing its installation of an integrated automated process control system (APCS) at its Omsk Refinery. The new APCS has been designed for the company’s future advanced oil refining complex (AORC), construction of which is expected to be complete by 2021.

The APCS, which integrates 3 distinct technological processes in the future facility into a single cohesive system, will be the only one of its kind in Russia. The project has been developed by Gazprom Neft’s industrial automation subsidiary, Avtomatika-Servis, together with partners from South Korea and Japan. The system’s compliance with industrial safety standards has been inspected by Rostekhnadzor.

Gazprom Neft’s APCS will be the largest of more than 80 control systems currently in operation at the Omsk Refinery. The future facility is capable of processing information from 18,700 sensors concurrently - twice the industry average. Thanks to modern design solutions, the APCS will be able to manage technologically diverse, but interconnected, processes in a single flow process, guaranteeing the AORC’s high efficiency and reliability.

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