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作者: 2020年03月12日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据海上能源3月11日报道,由库珀经营的 Sole气田位于吉普斯兰盆地东部,距澳大利亚维多利亚近40公里。 该项目涉及Sole海上气田的开发和Orbost天然气厂的升级,以每年供应约24拍焦。

据海上能源3月11日报道,由库珀经营的 Sole气田位于吉普斯兰盆地东部,距澳大利亚维多利亚近40公里。 该项目涉及Sole海上气田的开发和Orbost天然气厂的升级,以每年供应约24拍焦。

库珀在二月表示,随着天然气从东部天然气管道进入澳大利亚的奥博斯特天然气加工厂, Sole天然气项目已通过了关键的里程碑。




调试活动的满意度将使天然气从Sole 开始供应到长期合同下的客户。


郝芬 译自 海上能源


Cooper’s Sole gas field in final phase of commissioning

The Cooper-operated Sole gas field is located in the eastern part of the Gippsland Basin, approximately 40km offshore Victoria, Australia. The project involves the development of the Sole offshore gas field and upgrade of the Orbost gas plant to supply approximately 24 PJ per annum.

Cooper said in February that the Sole Gas Project had passed a critical milestone with the entry of gas from the Eastern Gas Pipeline into the Orbost gas processing plant in Australia.

In an update on Wednesday, Cooper said that the Sole Gas Project had passed another critical milestone with the first flow of gas from the Sole gas field to the Orbost Gas Processing Plant for the second, and final, phase of commissioning.

The gas produced by the field is being used to commission the plant’s raw gas processing facilities. Initial gas production and processing levels will be at small volumes.

Gas production is expected to increase gradually as the second phase commissioning progresses towards completion and the performance of a full-rate production test.

The satisfaction of the commissioning activities will enable the beginning of gas supply from Sole to the customers under long-term contracts.

According to Cooper, APA Group advises full-rate production and commercial operation for firm gas supply are anticipated in March 2020.

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标签:Sole气田 Orbost天然气厂
