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作者: 2020年03月11日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据离岸工程3月9日报道,采掘公司必和必拓已与三家工程公司签约,以研究半潜式浮式生产装置(FPU)的可行性。这家澳大利亚公司选择了SBM,Genesis North America和麦克德莫特进行研究。这些公司将为FPU提供前端工程和


这家澳大利亚公司选择了SBM,Genesis North America和麦克德莫特进行研究。这些公司将为FPU提供前端工程和设计研究。

拟议的装置将部署在墨西哥湾的Trion油田。该油田位于Perdido带,占地1,285平方公里, 水深约2,570m。

必和必拓作为Trion项目运营商拥有60%的权益。 墨西哥国有Pemex拥有其余40%的权益。


必和必拓石油运营总裁Geraldine Slattery称,这是Trion项目的另一步,它允许与选定的承包商早期接触,以优化设计以及FPU交付的承包和执行战略选项。我们期待在本研究阶段与选定的承包商合作。



BHP chooses three contractors for Gulf of Mexico’s Trion field

Extraction company BHP has contracted three engineering firms to study the viability of a semi-submersible floating production unit (FPU).

The Australian company selected SBM, Genesis North America, and McDermott for the study. The companies will supply a pre-front-end engineering and design (Pre-FEED) study for the FPU.

The proposed unit would deploy in the Trion field, in the Gulf of Mexico. Covering an area of 1,285km2, the field is in the Perdido belt, with water depths of about 2,570m.

BHP operates the Trion project and owns a 60% interest there. Mexican state-owned Pemex owns the remaining 40%.

In a statment, the company said the contractual work would be completed within a period of six months.

BHP Operations Petroleum president Geraldine Slattery said: “This is another step forward for the Trion project which allows for early engagement with the chosen contractors to optimise the design together with the contracting and execution strategy options for the FPU delivery.

“We look forward to working with the selected contractors through this study phase.”

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