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作者: 2019年07月22日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界天然气网站7月18日消息 GLNG项目的运营商澳大利亚液化天然气公司桑托斯公布了新的创纪录的产量数据,并在今年上半年增加了销售量。

据世界天然气网站7月18日消息 GLNG项目的运营商澳大利亚液化天然气公司桑托斯公布了新的创纪录的产量数据,并在今年上半年增加了销售量。



桑托斯董事总经理兼首席执行官Kevin Gallagher表示,公司预计下半年的产量将更强劲,因为第二季度的产量受到库珀盆地和巴布亚新几内亚液化天然气计划维护的影响。






吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Record production boosts Santos H1 revenue

Australian LNG player Santos, the operator of the GLNG project posted new record production figures and a rise in sales volumes during the first half of the year.

The company reported production of 37 mmboe in the first six months of 2019, a record for the company, 32 percent above the figures reported in the corresponding period last year.

Sales volumes of 45.2 mmboe were up 19 percent and sales revenues up 18 percent to $2 billion in the first half, Santos said in its quarterly report on Thursday.

Santos managing director and CEO Kevin Gallagher said that the company expects even stronger production in the second half of the year, as the second quarter production has been impacted by planned maintenance in the Cooper Basin and PNG LNG.

Production in the second quarter reached 18.6 mmboe, 1 percent above the previous quarter, while sales volumes edged 2 percent down on the first quarter reaching 22.4 mmboe.

Second-quarter sales volumes were lower than the prior quarter primarily due to the timing of LNG and liquids shipments. Two PNG LNG cargoes were on the water at the end of the quarter, Santos said.

Same factors impacted the second quarter sales revenues that reached $959 million, down from $1 billion in the first quarter.

Including gas volumes originally slated for export cargoes but diverted to the domestic market by the GLNG partners, first-half LNG-equivalent production was 2.7 million tonnes.

Daily LNG-equivalent run-rates of 6 mtpa were achieved during the first half and GLNG remains on track to deliver an LNG-equivalent run-rate of 6 mtpa by year end, Santos statement reads. A one-month planned statutory shutdown of GLNG train 1 is scheduled for the third quarter.

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标签:液化天然气 桑托斯
