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作者: 2019年05月08日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据钻机地带网2019年4月30日休斯敦报道,美国第3大石油公 司大陆菲利普斯公司(康菲公司/ConocoPhillips)周二公布的最新统计数据显 示,该公司今年第一季度盈利19亿美元,这是去年第一季度盈利的两倍。

    据钻机地带网2019年4月30日休斯敦报道,美国第3大石油公 司大陆菲利普斯公司(康菲公司/ConocoPhillips)周二公布的最新统计数据显 示,该公司今年第一季度盈利19亿美元,这是去年第一季度盈利的两倍。

    这家总部位于休斯顿的独立油气勘探开发公司的第一季度油气日产量为131.8万 桶油当量,其中不包括利比亚的产量。这比去年第一季度日增94万桶油当量, 产量增加主要是受三大非常规油气盆地(鹰福特、巴肯和特拉华盆地)的产量增长 推动。这三大非常规油气盆地第一季度的日产量为3.26亿桶油当量。

    康菲公司最近一直在出售非核心资产专注于美国页岩投资。康菲公司预计今年下 半年将提高产量,实现大约19%的全年增长。

    康菲公司还设法从运营中获得29.4亿美元现金。该公司的资本支出和投资为16 亿美元,股票回购为8亿美元,股息为3亿美元,所有资金都来自运营。

    康菲公司首席执行官莱恩·兰斯在一份公司声明中表示:“康菲公司的价值主 张、优先事项和投资组合都是为我们认为已成为常态的动荡环境而设计的。我们 将继续执行和履行一项计划,这项计划将对价格下跌具有弹性,同时为投资者提 供价格上涨的上行空间。”

    李峻 编译自 钻机地带

    原文如下: ConocoPhillips Raises Profit and Production in 1Q ConocoPhillips raked in $1.9 billion in earnings in the first quarter of 2019, doubling what it earned in first quarter of 2018, the company reported Tuesday. The Houston-based independent E&P company saw quarterly production at 1,318 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MMboepd), excluding Libya. This is 94 MMboepd higher than 1Q 2018 and was 2019/5/8 www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746330.htm http://www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746330.htm 2/2 driven largely by growth from the Big 3 unconventionals (Eagle Ford, Bakken and Delaware basins) which produced 326 MMboepd this quarter. The company has been selling non-core assets recently to focus on U.S. shale investments. The Big 3 is expected to ramp up production in the second half of 2019 for about 19 percent full-year growth. ConocoPhillips also managed to generate $2.94 billion in cash from operations. The company incurred $1.6 billion in capital expenditures and investments, $800 million for share repurchases and $300 million for dividends, all funded by operations. “ConocoPhillips’ value proposition, priorities and portfolio are designed for the volatile environment that we believe has become the norm,” CEO Ryan Lance said in a company statement. “We continue to execute and deliver on a plan that’s resilient to lower prices, while offering investors upside to higher prices.

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