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作者: 2016年04月14日 来源:互联网 浏览量:
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庞晓华摘译自《Chemical Week》2016-4-11



Sabic and ExxoMobil begin trial runs at Kemya synthetic rubber complex

12:50 AM MDT | April 11, 2016 | Natasha Alperowicz

Sabic has announced the start of trial runs at the $3.4 billion synthetic rubber manufacturing complex built in an equally owned joint venture with ExxonMobil Chemical. Trial operations began on 1 April at the carbon black and utilities unit of Al Jubail Petrochemical Co.’s (Kemya). The complex at full capacity will produce 400,000 m.t./year of products, including 110,000 m.t./year of halobutyl rubber and a combined 290,000 m.t./year of ethylene propylene diene monomer, carbon black, styrene butadiene rubber, and polybutadiene rubber. Output will be sold on the Asian and the Mideast markets.

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